الخميس، 7 فبراير 2013

(Benefits of Walking & running)

Benefits of Walking & running :-
It burns calories
It can help towards maintaining a healthy weight
It helps to boost your metabolism
It helps to reduce body fat
It boosts your energy levels
It strengthens your legs
It helps to strengthen the immune system
It improves your circulation
It lowers your blood pressure
It helps to prevent and control diabetes
It promotes positive mental health, including higher levels of self-esteem
It helps you to manage stress and release tension
It helps to improve the ability to fall asleep quickly and sleep well
It may motivate your children to walk more if that’s what they see you doing and provides an activity to share with family members and friends
It can be done almost anywhere
It’s more environmentally friendly than driving
It’s free..

so r u in a habit of doing exercise regularly ??

start nw

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